Introducing to you our exclusive collection of handmade jewelry crafted by the women of the ancient Maasai tribe residing in Kenya's Amboseli National Park.

Each piece is truly one-of-a-kind, making you the proud owner of a truly exceptional item that will capture everyone's attention

The Maasai tribe stands as one of the most renowned tribes in Africa, characterized by their beauty, regal stature, and a strong sense of pride. This semi-nomadic community continues to uphold centuries-old traditions, living in harmony with their ancestral customs.

The Maasai are also celebrated for their vibrant attire and captivating jewelry.
Initially, beads and other adornments were crafted from materials such as wood, clay, and copper. However, since the 18th century, with the arrival of Europeans on the continent, Maasai women began weaving intricate and colorful jewelry using small glass beads obtained through local trade.

Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, headpieces, and beaded belts have become essential elements of attire for both Maasai women and men, symbolizing their cultural identity and heritage.


Radiate from within and without with Maasai jewelry!
Each piece is infused with a touch of primal magic from the land, nature, and sun of the African continent.

Maasai women, the nurturing mothers of many, imbue these adornments with the strength of their maternal love. They endow them with positive energy, the power of protective talismans, and weave them while singing traditional songs of their tribe.

Why Choose Us?
  • Quality
    We use only natural and environmentally friendly materials.
  • Support
    Each product is checked personally by Mila Anufrieva
  • Individuality
    Each piece of jewelry in our store is presented in a single copy.
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